松村明 写真家 松村明 写真家
When Passing through the Alley:Kanda

松村明 写真家
Common NAGASAKI:65 Yeas A-bomb
1946 Born in Kyoto,Japan
1965-1969 Department of Photography,College of Ar t. Nihon University
Apprenticed himself to photographer Shigeichi Nagano outside the university
1969-2005 Mainichi Newspapers
1969 -1975 Worked as a photography her belonging to the photo department
1975 -1984 Carnera Mainichi,Editorial Department
Edited Camera Mainichi,its separated volume ,New Nude,and others
1983-1984 Participant in the Japanese Government Overseas Study Program for Artists Received training at the George Eastman House International Museum of Photography and Film in Rochester,New York ,U.S.A
1987 Worked as a curator for a ten-man show,"Empathy: Contemporary Japanese Photography (Daido Moriyama and others)," held at three places in the United States
1992 Exhibition “Looks of the Eye: Faces in the Political Column,"Ginza Nikon Salon Tokyo,Japan
1995 Serial newspaper photographs: "Sengo 50nenrek; no danso (Discrepancy - the Fittieth Anniversary Year of the End ot World War 11),"
The Ma;n;ch;,which won the Tokyo Press Photographers Association Award for Photo Project
2000 Exhibitions: "Towns in the Kanmon Area (Shimonoseki and Kitakyushu)," Ginza Canon Salon,Tokyo,Japan
2001 Exhibition“The Other Side of the Alley,"Ginza Nikon Salon,Tokyo,Japan
2003 Publication: When Pass;ng through theAlley: Kanda. Tokyo: Sokyusha
2005 Exhibition "Time and Place the Scene Leads to," Shinjuku Nikon Salon,Tokyo,Japan
2005-2013 Professor,Kyushu Zokei Art College Taught Photography
2010 Publication: common NAGASAKI: 65 Years after A-bomb. Tokyo: Mado-sha
2011 Exhibitions: "Common Nagasaki," Gallery Sokyusha ,Tokyo ,Japan,and Aidem Photo Gallery Sirius,Tokyo,Japan (February)
“Common Nagasaki," Nagasaki Prefectural Art Museum,Nagasaki,Japan (July)
“Common Nagasaki," Fukuoka Asian Art Museum,Fukuoka ,Japan (September)
2013 Exhibition “Photo Exhibition Commemorating to Professor Akira Matsumura's Retirement," Museum of Kyushu Sangyo University,Fukuoka,Japan
2014 Exhibition Akira Matsumura Documentary Photo Exhibition," Gallery Omichi,Oita ,Japan(February)
"Town : Fukuoka"(celebrating the opening of Matsumura Akira Photo School), Photo Massage,Fukuoka,Japan(May)
2015 Publication:Evidence NAGASAKI TOKYO:Toseisha
Exhibition:"Evidence NAGASAKI Common Nagasaki,Within 1km of GROUND ZERO," JCII Tokyo,Japan(June) FCCJ Tokyo,Japan(August)